老外 "或" 可使用.
中國人可以用 "這種" 方法
寫 家書, 情書, 文章,
著書立說 ... 嗎???
Chinese, Japanese, Korean KEYBOARDS
"音 符" 輸入法
Phonetic Input Method
How to Organize WordPad Chinese Files
GeoStroke Operation Manual
"見字知碼" 使用手冊
Chinese, Japanese, Korean KEYBOARDS
三種 "拼音方法" 之轉換
PingYing (拼音), W-G (韋氏拼音), Yale (耶魯拼音)
PingYing (拼音) |
Virtual Library |
中 華 「信 息 技 術」 |
GeoStroke |
String Theory |
Nanometer Tech |
CrossBar Latch |
Molecular Crossbar |
Demultiplexer |
Nanotube Film |
Molecular Mechnical |
These are the real things! My countryman!同胞們, 請 "睜眼" 看世界!
各個 "朝代" 中的 "漢字"
Development Of Characters
Various Chinese Dynasty